
Wax Series III – Adekunle Adeleke 

On May 12, 2024, we are hosting our inaugural event, Threads: A Cultural Mosaic

Date: May 12, 2024
Location: Innis Town Hall
Theme: This year’s theme, “Threads: A Cultural Mosaic,” invites participants to explore the richness of cultural identities through fashion, performance, and dialogue. The event will feature:

  • A cultural fashion show highlighting traditional and contemporary attire from diverse cultures modelled by University of Toronto Medical Students.
  • Global health mini-talks by experts and advocates, shedding light on pressing health issues affecting communities worldwide.
  • Donations through ticket sales to Doctors Without Borders
  • Networking opportunities with thought leaders in global health in medicine, sustainable fashion, and cultural competence.

Who we are

Welcome to Threads: A Cultural Mosaic. We are an innovative and vibrant initiative born out of the University of Toronto’s medical student community by Aljeena Qureshi and Layan Elfaki. Threads stands as a beacon of diversity, inclusivity, and global health awareness, embodying the spirit of cultural celebration and sustainable fashion.

Our Mission
Threads is dedicated to weaving together the diverse tapestries of cultures that enrich our medical community. Our mission is to foster an environment where medical students, faculty, and professionals can express their unique cultural identities, engage in meaningful dialogue about global health issues, and advocate for sustainable practices. We aim to illuminate the importance of cultural competence in healthcare, preparing future medical practitioners to serve a diverse patient population with empathy and understanding.

We envision a medical community that values and celebrates diversity in all its forms. Through our annual event, Threads: A Cultural Mosaic, we strive to showcase the richness of cultures represented in the medical field, promoting a deeper understanding and appreciation of global health perspectives. Our vision extends beyond the University of Toronto, with aspirations to inspire similar initiatives across medical schools in Canada, fostering a nationwide movement towards a more inclusive and globally conscious healthcare system.

Radiant Gems – Muhammed Sajid

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